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Advantage Performance Group • We help organizations develop great people.

Promotions are so yesterday with Julie Winkle Giulioni

If we can expand our view of and our definition of career, we can expand what’s possible in terms of growing it.

In the Hot Seat: Julie Winkle Giulioni on other ways to grow outside of the promotion mindset

Andy’s guest is Julie Winkle Giulioni, who just released a new book called Promotions Are So Yesterday: Redefine Career Development. Help Employees Thrive. She also the co-author of the book Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go: Career Conversations Employees Want with Beverly Kaye. She is also a thought leader, a learning designer, an author, and a speaker. She operates on the belief that everyone has the opportunity to reach their potential, and she works with organizations and leaders who want to make that happen.

In this interview, Julie shares the research she did for this book and what she discovered about what people want in their careers. You will learn how you can find other ways to grow and find fulfillment outside of the promotion mindset and the challenges you may face in changing this mindset. In conjunction, she shares her multidimensional career framework and the different ways to grow your career.

Julie Winkle Giulioni
Julie Winkle Giulioni

Listen to the podcast here:

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Hosted by Andy Storch, the Talent Development Think Tank Community is where talent development professionals come together to share best practices, discover the latest trends, hear from experts and solve challenges so that they can perform better in their jobs and help their companies develop their people more effectively. If you are looking for new ways to engage and develop your people and accelerate your career success, this is the place for you. We have two levels to accommodate the different phases of where you are in your talent development career and journey.

Andy Storch
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