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Advantage Performance Group • We help organizations develop great people.
Talent Development Tuesday - Building success in talent development one thought at a time. (Photo of "Imagine" tiles by Michael Aleo on Unsplash)

Talent Development Tuesday
Building success in talent development – one thought at a time.

Talent Development Tuesday: Help them soar (kites)

Help them soar

“Growth happens in countless organic ways that have nothing to do with boxes on an organizational chart or climbing the rungs of the corporate ladder.”
Julie Winkle Giulioni, Promotions Are SO Yesterday

Throughout her career, Julie Winkle Giulioni has championed workplace growth and development. She operates on the belief that everyone deserves the opportunity to reach their potential. And she works with organizations and leaders who want to make that happen.

No longer a possibility for many or even a priority for those in the workforce seeking better work-life balance, traditional promotions up the ladder of success are also no longer the most attractive way for employees to grow, she insists.

Like the path of a kite soaring in the wind, your people can take flight in new ways career-wise if you help them explore the gusts of opportunity in ways beyond a title or position.

That’s the essence of her new workshop called Developing Multidimensional Careers based on her latest book, Promotions Are SO Yesterday. (She is also the co-author of an international bestseller, Help Them Grow Or Watch Them Go, which has been translated into 7 languages.)  Her multidimensional career framework looks at these 8 dimensions of career growth, specifically: contribution, competence, connection, confidence, challenge, contentment, choice, and climb.

To help people discover their development priorities, Julie has a free and confidential Multidimensional Career Assessment on her website that has yielded some fascinating data among the thousands who have taken part.

During the pandemic, the top 3 development dimensions of greatest interest were contribution, competence and connection. More recently, contentment has replaced connection in the 3rd position. In aggregate, climb remains dead last.

If you’d like to know more, we’re working with Julie to provide a free preview of her new workshop on October 4 from 12-3 Eastern via Zoom. Please contact us or talk to your Advantage partner for a personal invitation!

One great thing for 09.27.22 – Julie Winkle Giulioni’s Multidimensional Career Self-Assessment
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Talent Development Tuesday is a weekly publication from Advantage Performance Group.
Julie Wolpers, Writer/Editor

We help organizations develop great people.

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