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Advantage Performance Group • We help organizations develop great people.
Talent Development Tuesday - Building success in talent development one thought at a time. (Photo of "Imagine" tiles by Michael Aleo on Unsplash)

Talent Development Tuesday
Building success in talent development – one thought at a time.

Talent Development Tuesday - Meeting the 2023 trends in L&D (icons of trend chart and mortarboard)

Meeting the 2023 trends in L&D

“An organization’s ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage.”
Jack Welch

Today we’re looking at Training Industry Magazine’s Trends 2023 Report (get your copy of their report here) on 6 trends influencing the future of learning at work, 3 of which focus directly on ways to develop, engage, and retain talent amid vastly changing workplace dynamics.

We’d like you to know how we are actively helping our clients meet these trends with some relevant and impactful solutions that can become a competitive differentiator for your organization.

1. First off is developing better leaders to engage and retain talent. The report notes, “The role of the manager has evolved over the past few years, with a shift toward more human-centered leadership. Leaders are no longer stewards of tasks; they are advocates for their employees.”

We’re seeing award-winning successes with organizations rolling out Multipliers to embed a knowledge-growth mindset into their culture. With Multipliers, leaders learn how to make everyone smarter by bringing out the best work in others and avoiding well-intentioned but diminishing behaviors that act as roadblocks. Individual contributors learn how to “multiply up” and contribute more regardless of their role.

We’re also seeing organizations use BlueEQ to build a team’s collective emotional intelligence and enhance their leaders’ self-awareness, empathy, and ability to lead with psychological safety, a pre-requisite for innovation, inclusion, and employee satisfaction.

2. Another trend in the report is connecting learning to career paths to help employees grow and stay. “With turnover rates soaring, organizations need to invest in their employees’ career development or risk losing them to the competition,” the report points out.

We’re seeing organizations do just that with AccelerateME, from Christine DiDonato and Developing Multidimensional Careers from Julie Winkle Giulioni.  Their solutions empower managers to support their direct reports in new ways while also helping them own their own career development.

3. A third trend is leveraging technology to enable continuous training and feedback on the job. “Employees want to work for organizations that prioritize L&D, but oftentimes, employees struggle to find the time to devote to learning opportunities,” the report says. “Integrating learning into the day-to-day workflow can help learning feel more natural, accessible and achievable.”

We’re seeing our clients tap into the award-winning, just-in-time mobile learning platform, 1st90, to deliver on-the-job learning that helps employees develop new behaviors with quick bites of daily action, communicate their success with their managers, and also learn from their peers.

1st90 is revolutionizing how learning is delivered for onboarding new employees, preparing aspiring leaders for their next role, helping new sales professionals deliver results faster, or quickly bringing newly promoted managers up to speed.

Contact us or talk to your Advantage partner to learn more about how we can help your L&D be on-trend and your organization be more competitive.

One great thing for 01.31.23 – What would 2023 look like for your organization  if everyone were performing at 100%? RSVP now for a complimentary “flyover” look or full access to Symphony, one of the world’s best frameworks for performance management.

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Talent Development Tuesday is a weekly publication from Advantage Performance Group.
Julie Wolpers, Writer/Editor

We help organizations develop great people.

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