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Advantage Performance Group • We help organizations develop great people.
Talent Development Tuesday - Building success in talent development one thought at a time. (Photo of "Imagine" tiles by Michael Aleo on Unsplash)

Talent Development Tuesday
Building success in talent development – one thought at a time.

Talent Development Tuesday - The AI invasion (robot icon)

The AI invasion

“Within a few decades, machine intelligence will surpass human intelligence, leading to The Singularity — technological change so rapid and profound it represents a rupture in the fabric of human history.”
Ray Kurzweil (a few decades ago)

Artificial intelligence is taking over at light speed, and it’s already a rocket ride.

It was only last November that OpenAI released ChatGPT. (Check out this timeline of AI development on Wikipedia.) Since then, our brains are about to burst just thinking about the many ways our lives and jobs are already changing.

Social media is filled with posts, prompts, cheatsheets, and tips from people using AI. Marketers, doctors, musicians, artists, all creative types, teachers, students… most everyone has either dipped a toe or taken a dive head first into AI-infested water.

Need a video? An image? A summary of a new book? A marketing plan that outperforms your 5 closest rivals? An ode to your girlfriend based on her favorite things in the voice of Dr. Seuss? Ask AI.

Everybody’s doing it. Sir Paul McCartney today announced a new Beatles song will be released this year thanks to AI.  New job titles are popping up  – a “prompt engineer,” for example – for people skilled at mining and refining data they can draw from the AI well.

According to this report from ILX Group on the challenges, priorities and opportunities facing organizations in 2023, AI-related skills are among the top 3 skillsets that 250 business, HR, and L&D leaders they surveyed say they are investing in this year. Yet they report that 50% of training programs are not effective due to budget constraints.

Where will it lead? How can we keep up? How can we be certain what we invest in today will be effective and lead to business results when fully half of those initiatives apparently are failing?

In times like this, we need to take a deep breath, stay calm, and remember the fundamentals. Yes, AI technology is changing how we work.

But at Advantage, every learning initiative is presented through the lens of what we call High Impact Learning: The Advantage Way. It’s a framework and a line-of-sight toolset for making sure your learning programs lead to business results. It’s also a popular certification program we offer to L&D leaders.

This month, we’re celebrating having certified nearly 90 people in High Impact Learning: The Advantage Way since April 2022, including our newest batch of 18 L&D leaders who have earned our Credly badge this month and last.

New programs are popping up everywhere to help you develop AI skills (our parent company, BTS, has introduced a couple of new innovative experiences we can tap into). But before you rush into your next learning initiative, take care to develop a line of sight between what will be learned and how it will directly impact your organization’s business results.

Contact us or talk to your Advantage partner to learn more about our next round of High Impact Learning: The Advantage Way certification training coming up this fall or for more learning ideas or support.

We’re here to help!

One great thing for 06.13.23 – 5 AI tools you need to start using now to build elearning – A review of ChatGPT,  MidJourney, D-id, descript, and (Source: Open eLMS Ltd via Learning News)

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Talent Development Tuesday is a weekly publication from Advantage Performance Group.
Julie Wolpers, Writer/Editor

We help organizations develop great people.

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