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Advantage Performance Group • We help organizations develop great people.
Talent Development Tuesday - Building success in talent development one thought at a time. (Photo of "Imagine" tiles by Michael Aleo on Unsplash)

Talent Development Tuesday
Building success in talent development – one thought at a time.

Talent Development Tuesday - An AI-driven strategy guide

An AI-driven strategy guide

“AI is like electricity. Just as electricity transformed every major industry a century ago,
AI is now poised to do the same.”
Andrew Ng, globally-recognized leader in AI

Contextual business impact delivered via artificial intelligence

To say we were blown away at yesterday’s internal meeting with Wendy Baker, VP of Operations with our thought leader partners at BlueEQ, would be an understatement.

Wendy was bringing us up to date on global trends they’re seeing and the latest product development at BlueEQ, which has grown from its foundational and powerful emotional intelligence self-assessment to experiential programs on Leading with Emotional Intelligence and Leading with Psychological Safety to new organizational assessments on culture and DEIB (diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging).

She confirmed what we are hearing. Leaders need their people to get back to work, be productive, and deliver business results. There is a need to respect but also move past the COVID-era focus on employee well-being and engagement and get back to business.

All of the BlueEQ solutions are designed to deliver business impact through their EQ instruments, which provide EQ measurements across 5 skills and 25 dimensions for an individual, a team, a division, or even an entire organization. They can then make use of practical tips and techniques to improve the skills and dimensions that are lacking but necessary to reach an overall goal.

That in and of itself is a powerful concept already delivering results for our clients via the comprehensive reports and action plans provided with each assessment. But the new AI tool Wendy showed us yesterday takes what BlueEQ delivers to an entirely new level.

The BlueEQ Academy is an online portal designed to supplement and reinforce learning from their workshops. Everyone who goes through a BlueEQ program has access.

The academy’s newest feature harnesses the power of AI by including BlueEQ-driven content and filters for context based on your type of business, industry, your position and level of experience, unique cultural or DEI challenge(s) you want to improve, specific skills and dimensions that need improvement, and more.

You select your filters and the AI tool generates a 5-step action plan with 7 strategies for improving those specific areas. Like what you see? Save it to your dashboard. Not sure it’s quite what you need? Refine your filters and try again. Keep the best; toss the rest.

See it in action! Talk to your Advantage partner or contact us about how we can help to empower your organization with BlueEQ assessments, workshops, and the newly AI-enhanced BlueEQ Academy.

We can’t wait to show you its power.

One great thing for 09.26.23 – New AI tools are coming out every day. It’s hard to keep up. Here’s a place to start: 152 Best AI Tools of 2023  (Put together by Ema Lukan for Synthesia, an AI video platform, updated 09.26.23)

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Talent Development Tuesday is a weekly publication from Advantage Performance Group.
Julie Wolpers, Writer/Editor

We help organizations develop great people.

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