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Advantage Performance Group • We help organizations develop great people.
Talent Development Tuesday - Building success in talent development one thought at a time. (Photo of "Imagine" tiles by Michael Aleo on Unsplash)

Talent Development Tuesday
Building success in talent development – one thought at a time.

Talent Development Tuesday - The Early Bird (bird and worm)

The early bird

“Every morning, you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase them.“
– Arnold Schwarzenegger

Are you a morning person? Would you like to become one?

We’re excited to announce that Talent Development Tuesday is now arriving earlier. For the past few years, we’ve shared our insights on Tuesday afternoons, but starting today, we’re shifting to mornings.

Why? Because mornings offer a fresh start, and we want to be part of the momentum that propels your week forward. Early mornings also tend to offer you more uninterrupted time that you can easily control.  Becoming an early bird can transform your productivity and mindset. The benefits of a morning routine are also backed by science.

As James Clear highlights in Atomic Habits, the key to forming a new habit, like rising early, is to make it obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying.

Here are some tips to help you embrace the morning:

    1. Set a consistent bedtime: Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day helps regulate your internal clock.
      (Sleep Foundation:  Healthy Sleep Tips)
    2. Create a morning routine you love: Include activities that make you excited to get out of bed, like a delicious breakfast or a few minutes of reading.
      (Healthline: How to Become a Morning Person)
    3. Gradually adjust your wake-up time: Shift your alarm earlier in small increments until you reach your desired wake-up time.
      (Sleep Advisor: 10 Tips on How to Wake Up Early

Have you recently started a new habit? What strategies helped you succeed? Share your stories with us—we’d love to hear from you.

One great thing for 06.04.24 – Talks to watch during breakfast | TED – Illuminating, funny and awe-inspiring talks to start off your day.


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Talent Development Tuesday is a weekly publication from Advantage Performance Group.
Julie Wolpers, Writer/Editor

We help organizations develop great people.

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