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Advantage Performance Group • We help organizations develop great people.

Advantage Performance is named to Selling Power’s Top 20 Sales Training Companies 2020 List

The most meaningful part of this recognition is that fact that Selling Power uses direct client feedback as the primary driver of their selection process. A special thank you is in order from us to our customers who participated in this process because we truly get to celebrate results-based achievement together!”

Jonathan Hodge, Advantage President and CEO

SAN RAFAEL, CA -  Advantage Performance Group is pleased to announce we have been included on Selling Power’s Top 20 Sales Training Companies 2020 list. The list appears in the May/June 2020 issue of Selling Power magazine, which is published digitally.

Advantage Performance Group has been named to Selling Power’s Top 20 Sales Training Companies 2020 list.

“The most meaningful part of this recognition is that fact that Selling Power uses direct client feedback as the primary driver of their selection process,"  says Jonathan Hodge, Advantage president and CEO. "A special thank you is in order from us to our customers who participated in this process because we truly get to celebrate results-based achievement together!”

According to Selling Power publisher and founder Gerhard Gschwandtner, sales training is more important than ever as salespeople adjust to selling during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“There could not be a better time to invest in sales training,” says Gschwandtner. “No matter what market you sell to, your salespeople need the right skills to close big deals while social distancing and working from home. The sales leaders who understand the importance of sales training are already on the upswing. Those who wait to invest in their team won’t be able to catch up.”

All companies on the list submitted a comprehensive application that included a detailed listing of their offerings for both training and retention, innovative solutions, and their company’s unique contributions to the sales training marketplace.

The main criteria used when comparing applicants and selecting the companies to include on this year’s list were:

  1. Depth and breadth of training offered
  2. Innovative offerings (specific training courses, methodology, or delivery methods)
  3. Contributions to the sales training market
  4. Strength of client satisfaction

To evaluate applicants for the list, the Selling Power team surveyed and considered feedback from nearly 300 clients of the applicants. Here’s a brief selection of comments from their clients:

  • “well prepared and helpful through our sales training journey”
  • “provide an incredible follow-up survey and reinforcement experience”
  • “recently developed a true partnership”
  • “great people, great service”
  • “content and customization are superb”
  • “helped us get clarity about our sales goals”
  • “training best fit our teams’ needs and aligned with our company strategies”


We're thrilled to see Advantage get this extraordinary recognition. They've been an ideal partner helping us bring our habit-building applications to market because they truly focus on the results their clients need.  With their involvement, we've been able to make our solutions more relevant than ever as a direct response to many of the unprecedented challenges their clients are facing right now."

Paul Middleton, co-founder and CEO of 1st90

I know that some of my own clients helped us get there by giving us glowing reviews. This isn’t just because we have great training; it’s because these clients see us as an irreplaceable part of their business. We started as external partners, but now we are woven into the very fabric of their businesses, and we are honored to be in such a position."

Bennett Phillips, Advantage Partner

It is incredibly rewarding to partner with a client organization that is committed to developing its global salesforce. It is a privilege to be treated as a partner in the execution of their sales strategy and to help them to win in the marketplace."

Rob Grossman, Advantage Partner

The voice of the customer should always speak loudest in guiding collaboration to improve their performance and achieve their business results. We are thankful that our clients' voices led to this recognition."

Jeff Tucker, Advantage Partner

Selling Power magazine editors say CROs, sales VPs, and sales enablement leaders can leverage this list to find the right sales training partner to help salespeople succeed during social distancing and remote working. See the Selling Power Top Sales Training Companies 2020 list.

About Advantage Performance Group
In our 30th year, Advantage Performance is a dedicated group of nearly 30 partners who work with thought leaders and interactive learning designers throughout the United States and internationally to seek out and deliver the best training content available to help organizations develop great people. We also are founding sponsors of the popular Talent Development Hot Seat podcast and Talent Development Think Tank conference.

About Selling Power
In addition to Selling Power, the leading digital magazine for sales managers and sales VPs since 1981, Personal Selling Power, Inc., produces the Sales Management Digest and Daily Boost of Positivity online newsletters, as well as videos featuring interviews with top executives. Selling Power is also a regular media sponsor of the Sales 3.0 Conference, which is attended by a total of more than 1,000 sales leaders each year.

About Gerhard Gschwandtner
Gerhard Gschwandtner is the founder and CEO of Selling Power, a media company that produces the award-winning Selling Power magazine. He is the author of 17 books on the subjects of sales, management, and motivation and has been featured in more than 500 video interviews with B2B sales and marketing leaders. He created and leads the Peak Performance Mindset workshop, designed to help sales leaders become high achievers personally and professionally.

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