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Advantage Performance Group • We help organizations develop great people.

Agile project management in L&D with Amanda Parola

We’re all moving quicker because we’re all aligned on what we need to do.

In the Hot Seat: Amanda Parola on what Agile Project Management is and why it’s such a beneficial project management process.

Andy’s guest is Amanda Parola, the Lead Learning Strategist for Customer Learning at Side--a tech real estate brokerage. She is a member of the Talent Development Think Tank community, and today, she’s sharing what she’s doing with Agile Project Management and L&D.

Highlights from this conversation include what Amanda's team does to remain focused during sprints and not get distracted by other things going on around them. As well as her advice for other teams that want to use Agile Project Management and the resources she recommends to learn more about it.

Amanda Parola
Esther Jackson

Listen to the podcast here:

Join the Think Tank Community!

Hosted by Andy Storch, the Talent Development Think Tank Community is where talent development professionals come together to share best practices, discover the latest trends, hear from experts and solve challenges so that they can perform better in their jobs and help their companies develop their people more effectively. If you are looking for new ways to engage and develop your people and accelerate your career success, this is the place for you. We have two levels to accommodate the different phases of where you are in your talent development career and journey.

Andy Storch
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