Embrace your inner lion tamer
Learn how to become a better influencer by taking a cue from the lion tamer, who is able to control a powerful lion using only a chair.
Part of becoming a lion tamer influencer is to be able to make people feel slightly off-balance and curious to hear more. You want to pose a question that will get others thinking, which can then bring new possibilities to the table.
If you want to find out more on how to strengthen your influence skills, follow along on these two learning modules:
- Myths of Influence - A look at the common misperceptions regarding influence and how to counteract them.
- 12 Angry Men - A case study in influence.
Each lesson is easy to understand and provides tips to help you through your learning process. Test what you learned by completing the review at the end. The lessons are from Kelly Dozois of Ocean Beach Consulting, an Advantage thought leader partner and creator of Influence Inside™, a highly interactive, discovery-based learning program designed to help participants develop the ability to sell their ideas and influence others without relying on positional authority.
Get started today, and conquer the myths of influence!