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Advantage Performance Group • We help organizations develop great people.
TDHS 217 | Career Success

“Betting on You” and supporting your employees

Do whatever it is that gives you energy and restores your soul so that you can work at the intersection of purpose and meaning."

In the Hot Seat: Laurie Ruettimann shares her thoughts on career success, HR and L&D

There are two sides to career success. For their part, employees need to learn how to put themselves first and take control of their career path instead of getting stuck in something that doesn’t resonate.

On the other hand, employers need to provide a certain level of support in the form of learning and development opportunities. Laurie Ruettimann shares her thoughts and experiences around these in her book, Betting on You: How to Put Yourself First and (Finally) Take Control of Your Career. Before becoming the top-rated career she is now, Laurie spent over a decade working in human resources for a pharmaceutical giant.

The things she witnessed and experienced during that chunk of her career led her to realize the inefficiencies of our current understanding of HR that she beautifully elaborates in her book. She joins Andy Storch in this episode to give us a taste of these insights. 

TDHS 217 | Career Success
Laurie Ruettimann

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Andy Storch
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