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Business impact of emotional intelligence: 5 habits that can make a difference right now

The business impact of emotional intelligence is clear.

As EQ increases, so does business impact as teams become better versed in behaviors that lead to positive outcomes, whether it's creating customer-sensitive brand ambassadors,  a more cohesive team, a more articulate and confident sales force, or a more inclusive and diverse workplace where new ideas are welcome and innovation can flourish.

There are 5 pillars of emotional intelligence, according to the experts at BlueEQ, an Advantage Performance thought leader partner and creator of the BlueEQ™ emotional intelligence self-assessment:

  1. Self-regard
  2. Self-awareness
  3. Self-control
  4. Social perception
  5. Social effectiveness

Within each are another 5 dimensions comprised of skills that people can practice and perfect.

Unlike IQ, a high EQ can be learned.

Developing EQ at the office isn't a quick fix, but these best practice behaviors in each of the 5 pillars of emotional intelligence can get you off to a good start! Hover over or click on each of the icons around the circle below to reveal each tip.


Find the humor in your personal imperfections.
Imperfection is a sacred human condition. Embrace it.


Develop active listening skills.
Am I talking too much?


Eliminate meaningless distractions.
Beware of squirrels and shiny objects!
Avoid social media or over-checking your email.

Social Perception

Increase your tolerance and compassion for others.
Walk a mile in their shoes, or at least try them on.

Social Effectiveness

Have the courage to speak up.

How BlueEQ can accelerate innovation

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