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Advantage Performance Group • We help organizations develop great people.

Diagnose a decision you're considering now!

Could you be falling into one or more common decision-making traps? Take our Decision MojoDecision Diagnostic to find out!

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Step 1 of 17

  • About you

    Please enter your contact details below to access our Decision Diagnostic and learn more about several traps that can derail your thinking. We'll email you a custom report. (Note: We're committed to protecting your privacy and we do not share your information with 3rd parties. If you'd like to know more, please review our Privacy Policy.)
  • Let's diagnose a decision!

    Before starting the diagnostic, identify a decision that you are in the process of making right now, or will be needing to make sometime soon. Your decision can either be work-related or personal. The more challenging the decision, the more valuable you will find this process.

    After you answer a set of questions about your decision, you’ll learn about several traps you might watch out for, and also have access to quick videos that illuminate each trap and give you tips for avoiding it.

    This diagnostic offers you a sampling of traps and strategies from the Decision Mojo™ learning experience. We hope you will find it valuable!
  • To prime your thinking, consider a decision like one of these examples:

    • Should I accept a promotion and move to a new job/city or stay where I am?
    • Should I commit to a budget decision and spend the money or reject the proposal?
    • Should we change the way we're doing things even though we've invested a lot on our current methodology?

    You will need to keep this decision in mind as you review each of the following questions.

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