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Step #5: Defining & measuring potential
Music: bensound.com Photos: unsplash.com and pexels.com
Truth #1: Successful programs have defined clear and consistent measurements for determining potential.
Activators for Truth #1
Of all the discoveries we have made in our research so far, this set of activators will likely have the biggest positive impact on your talent pipeline and high-potential leadership development. This is challenging but, when done properly, the right investments create rapid and continuing positive results. Here are three quick things you can do to begin to activate this truth:
Contact us!
We'd be happy to arrange a call with you to explore your score, what we have discovered through our research and practical experience, and possible ideas to help you create a more powerful and impactful high-potential leadership development program.
Organizations with successful programs use tools, methods, and practices to measure the behaviors that are required for increased levels of challenge and complexity.
Assess Your Organization
How well are you defining and measuring the potential within your organization?
Truth #1: Successful programs have defined clear and consistent measurements for determining potential.
Established under the leadership of Advantage Performance Group, the Cultivating Leaders Center of Excellence is an independent organization of researchers, developers, and practitioners who have joined together to test new ideas, develop new insights, and leverage new technologies, methods, and practices in an effort to cultivate the next generation of leaders across industries and continents. Special thanks to our participating clients who contributed to the research.