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Advantage Performance Group • We help organizations develop great people.
Insights on leadership: Photo by Stefan Gessert on Unsplash (bird in flight and white clouds against a deep blue sky)

Insights on Leadership

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you’re a leader."  - John Quincy Adams

Helping leaders lead...

Insights from Advantage Performance Group brings you relevant business development topics to help your leaders lead, sellers sell, and business flourish. Here are our most recent posts on leadership.

Reinforce the Critical Skills Necessary for Effective Leadership

Challenge your decision making

Get free access to the Innovation iLead Simulation and see if you can choose the most effective responses to foster a culture of innovation.

Why young people leave - unsplash photo by Greg Rakozy

Why young people leave: A crisis of purpose for Millennials

Are you a business leader who wants to stand out and retain young high potentials? Have a purpose beyond money.

innovation concept - photo by josh boot

Don’t waste dumb money: 3 things about innovation every leader needs to know

How to take the mystery and misery out of innovation at your firm, and set your business up for success.

unlocking leader potential - photo of door with padlock

Unlocking leader potential: 4 steps to move from knowing to doing

What gets people to actually start doing what they know they should do? The answer is simpler than you might think. Just follow our L.E.A.D.

where the magic happens - sparkler photo from

Where the magic happens: How to create a culture of trust [webinar replay]

When people believe they can speak up, challenge the status quo, and take risks, the magic begins. A culture of trust is the key.

The high-performing team of entrepreneurs, L&D champions, and deep thinkers at Jhana who love big ideas and learning

Giving managers what they want and need to learn

Jhana’s bite-sized, self-directed learning fits into a busy workday, and is available now from Advantage.

Insights from Advantage - useful news that cuts through the clutter

Spring Insights: 10 daily habits of highly effective managers

Our spring newsletter is a virtual Easter egg packed with valuable free resources especially for you. Crack it open and see what’s there!

photo of desktop - concept on how to lead effective remote teams

5 ways to help managers lead effective remote teams [webinar replay]

Access a webinar from our new thought leader partner Jhana, and get up to speed on a trend that’s here to stay.

BTS is named a Top 20 leadership training company

Training Industry’s recognition speaks to the powerful impact of BTS’ disruptive, context-based and experiential approach to leadership development.

psychological safety is rocket fuel for teams

The 4 quadrants of psychological safety: Rocket fuel for teams

The most important characteristic of a high-performance team is psychological safety. BlueEQ is taking the study of psychological safety to the next level.

Are you too smart to innovate? 5 tips to accelerate the process.

Why IQ + EQ = success. Yes, you need smarts, but brainpower is not enough. It’s emotional intelligence combined with intellect that accelerates innovation.

Strategy deployment checkup for the new year – how healthy is your strategy?

Take a free assessment and get tips to start the year off right.

An innovation challenge for leaders

To help companies accelerate the development of great leaders, BTS, an Advantage thought leader partner,  has created a series of online iLead Challenge™ Simulations.

These are immersive, video-based business simulations that feature important leadership moments. Participating employees make critical decisions and apply leadership skills to manage simulated team members and navigate challenging, realistic situations.

Sign up for complimentary 30-day access to the Innovative iLead Challenge Simulation, Fostering an Innovation Culture. See if you make the most effective choices to lead your team at Future Co. on an innovation journey.

Photo at top:
Stefan Gessert
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