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Advantage Performance Group • We help organizations develop great people.
Insights on leadership: Photo by Stefan Gessert on Unsplash (bird in flight and white clouds against a deep blue sky)

Insights on Leadership

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you’re a leader."  - John Quincy Adams

Helping leaders lead...

Insights from Advantage Performance Group brings you relevant business development topics to help your leaders lead, sellers sell, and business flourish. Here are our most recent posts on leadership.

Is your company winning or losing in the decision-making game?

Take this short quiz to find out.

Learning to Love to Lead Again: You and Your Team

A simple process to recharge your team and focus them toward accomplishing the goal you know they must achieve.

Why leaders lose their emotions

Your success breeds inauthenticity: Six steps to make sure it doesn’t happen

Infographic: The Transformation of Leadership Development

What businesses must do now to improve business impact.

Assessing great leaders – the better way of leadership assessment

Stop the guessing and start pinpointing your leadership development needs.

The leadership challenge: A bruising company culture

Amazon’s company culture and the leadership challenge within

An innovation challenge for leaders

To help companies accelerate the development of great leaders, BTS, an Advantage thought leader partner,  has created a series of online iLead Challenge™ Simulations.

These are immersive, video-based business simulations that feature important leadership moments. Participating employees make critical decisions and apply leadership skills to manage simulated team members and navigate challenging, realistic situations.

Sign up for complimentary 30-day access to the Innovative iLead Challenge Simulation, Fostering an Innovation Culture. See if you make the most effective choices to lead your team at Future Co. on an innovation journey.

Photo at top:
Stefan Gessert
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