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Advantage Performance Group • We help organizations develop great people.

Insights from Advantage

The Insights blog from Advantage Performance Group brings you timely and relevant business development topics to help your leaders lead, sellers sell, and business flourish. We also have free resources and webinar replays we love to share as well as Insights for your inbox.

Refine Your Decision-Making Skills

Decision Mojo™ showcase June 19 in Saint Louis.

Orchestrate the Exceptional Team with Symphony

Join us February 24 in Chicago for a complimentary one-day workshop

Prepare for the Big League with First BASE, a Business Acumen Simulation That Strengthens Strategy Execution Skills

Complimentary showcase in three U.S. cities in November. RSVP now to reserve your spot!

The Advantage Way Certification

Scheduled based on client request and availability. Contact us for more information.

High Impact Learning: The Advantage Way Certification

Link learning to business impact and get results! New certification dates are Sept. 30-Oct. 1, 2015, in Chicago

Symphony Showcase

Discover a systematic process for assessing, planning, and managing individual and team performance at our complimentary one-day workshop.

Your Annual Off-Site is Wasting Time and Money

Add rocket fuel — and business impact — to your conferences

Don’t Settle for 20%

Our High Impact Learning system can boost those odds to 90% and more.

Optimization Any Way You Want It

In small or large bites, the Advantage SalesOptimization framework can meet your needs.

Children's Healthcare of Atlanta

100 Best Companies to Work For

Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, which ranks an impressive 46th, is one of our featured success case clients.

Does Your Sales Process Only Go Halfway?

Turn that “halfway” process into a dual approach and you will reap far better sales results.

Show Why L/D is a Strategic Resource

Register for our complimentary 3-part Advantage Way webinar series and find out how.

Make Business Impact Second Nature

See how our bedrock, proprietary Advantage Way system delivers meaningful business impact from learning.

Success Demands the Right People

Our Right People approach helps leaders place, retain and develop sales talent.

The Advantage Way System Webinar Series: Driving Business Results Through High Impact Learning

Listen to a replay from our popular webinar series.

Free Trial! Give your sales organization the predictive edge.

Wish you could predict hiring a successful salesperson? Match the right salesperson with the right role? Now you can.

Get Aligned with Customers

Use the Advantage Buy/Sell Roadmap to make sure the way you sell is aligned with the way your customers buy.

What’s Stopping Your Sales Force?

Get a fresh take. Replay our webinar, “Analysis: Defining the Elusive Gaps That Can Derail Your Sales Strategy.”

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