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Advantage Performance Group • We help organizations develop great people.

Navigating AI disruption to revolutionize work and customer value

Jim Perry, co-founder of Harness Intelligence (Hi) and a long time Advantage thought leader partner helping lead the way with the development of AI strategies, skills, and mindsets, shares key AI best practices for HR professionals to consider from a team of industry-leading CHROs.

Artificial intelligence is no longer a futuristic concept—it's a powerful, accessible tool that's reshaping the workplace and redefining how businesses create value. As AI becomes more integrated into our daily operations, organizations must navigate this disruption carefully to tap into its full potential while managing risks.

At Harness Intelligence, we empower leaders and professionals to master this transition, turning AI disruption into unprecedented opportunity.

But this opportunity comes with cautions. Recently we talked with Kevin Cox, at that time the CHRO at GE. As one of his last projects at GE, Kevin created a working group of CHROs from top companies to create CHRO Principles: Responsible Use of AI in Organizations.

Here’s what Harness Intelligence (Hi) advises to help you with 2 of these crucial principles: Putting humans in charge and Balancing experimentation with risk management.

Humans should lead the way

The notion that AI will replace human workers is a common fear, but the reality is that AI works best when guided by human intelligence. AI initiatives must be overseen and managed by people to promote values-alignment, accountability, and organizational learning. Here’s how Hi can help you achieve this:

  • Empowerment through education: We offer discovery-based learning programs that equip your team with the knowledge and skills to incorporate AI tools into their work. Our hands-on sessions demystify AI, making it accessible and practical for all levels of your organization. By understanding the capabilities and limitations of AI, your leaders can direct its use strategically.
  • Transformative mindset: At Hi we believe that a transformative mindset is key to leveraging AI. We help your team develop this mindset, encouraging them to see AI as an enabler rather than a threat. This shift in perspective allows your organization to embrace AI-driven innovation while maintaining control over its direction and implementation.
  • Collaborative governance: In collaboration with the USC Marshall School of Business, we offer executive learning/working sessions to ensure that AI initiatives and change management align with your organization’s values, culture, and business goals.

Sponsor experimentation while managing risk

Innovation and experimentation are crucial for AI development, but they must be balanced with effective risk management to ensure sustainable success. Hi provides the tools and strategies to strike this balance:

  • Sponsored experimentation: Our sandboxed AI environments allow your teams to experiment with AI technologies in a controlled, risk-free setting. These environments simulate real-world scenarios, enabling your team to test AI applications and workflows without impacting live operations. This approach fosters innovation while ensuring that any potential risks are identified and mitigated early.
  • Risk awareness: While good policy and governance are critical, AI is progressing at a rate that demands that all users have a sound understanding of its nature and risks. Our learning experiences help people at every level grasp the fundamentals of Machine Learning, Generative AI, Diffusion models, and more.

Unlock new value for customers

At Harness Intelligence, we believe that AI can revolutionize customer value creation. By harnessing diverse intelligence sources—personal, team, organizational, customer, and network intelligence—we help you uncover new opportunities and deliver unparalleled value to your customers, both internal and external.

Contact us or talk to your Advantage partner about bringing an experiential AI learning journey from Hi to your organization.

Change your mindset from one of fear or confusion to one that embraces the potential and power of generative AI and the 7 realms of intelligence you can harness to better contribute and lead in your role at your organization. Access a replay from our recent flyover of Harness Intelligence: The Core Experience.

Jim Perry
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