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Advantage Performance Group • We help organizations develop great people.
Advantage Performance Group partners and team members in Austin, Texas, in early March

Advantage Performance Group partners and team members gathered in Austin, Texas, for our annual meeting shortly before staying home and social distancing became the new reality.

Ideas, best practices, and resources for talent development

Pivoting Together in Challenging Times

A webinar series from Advantage Performance Group to help you keep your business moving forward in times of uncertainty.

Our 2021 series will begin soon! Access the replays and valuable takeaways from our 2020 Pivoting Together webinar series below.

Highlights - Part 1 : Part 2 

Future of Sales miniseries on critical virtual selling skills

Virtual experiences keep you on strategy

The coronavirus crisis has made an unprecedented impact on the global economy. We have pulled together the challenges we and our thought leader partners are seeing and hearing from clients and highlighting some virtual experience options to help you keep your strategy moving forward.

Thank You - A letter from Advantage President & CEO Jonathan Hodge

Embracing the opportunity to reinvent ourselves

As a community, we’ve proven to ourselves that we are stronger and more capable than we thought

Together, We Create! A webinar series from Advantage Performance Group (colorful paint daubs and swinging lightbulb)

2021 webinar series: Together, we create

The world has changed, and there’s no looking back. Our new webinar series focused on innovation aims to inspire, inform, and unleash your creative genius

2021 Leadership Roundtable with Dr. Linda Hill

The 3 Imperatives for leading through the pandemic

Harvard Business School Professor Dr. Linda Hill and 22 executives explore the challenges of being a leader during unprecedented disruption

Virtual Selling Tools from our Future of Sales webinar series

Part 2: Future of Sales

Access Part 2 of our 2020 webinar series recap featuring replays, audio clips, and takeaways that focus on virtual selling skills.

Advantage 2020 Webinar Series: Pivoting Together in Challenging Times

2020 webinar series highlights

Access a rich interactive archive of replays, audio highlights, and takeaway tools from 7 webinars all in one place

2020 Reset Roundtable: A discussion for leaders in learning & development

2020 Reset Roundtable Report

What’s trending for the future of work in a post-pandemic world: Our roundtable discussion with 46 L&D leaders across 25 industries

Leading in a Crisis (art of paper ships falling off a cliff except one is saved by a hot air balloon)

Leading in a Crisis

How to keep your people calm, focused, and engaged when leading in a crisis, and the No. 1 most common mistake you need to avoid

Selling in a Recession: Illustration of bear market during coronavirus

Selling in a recession: Are your salespeople ready?

5 rules you need to know to be successful in sales in today’s environment.

Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

Pivoting together: An update from the 45-degree mark

We would like to genuinely thank our clients for helping to remind us that the power of positive change is available to all of us. 

10 tips for surviving coronavirus (that don’t involve washing your hands)

Here are some tips for getting through this week and beyond.

Turn downtime into up-skill time

How we can help:

Solution: A journey to a leadership pipeline
Electric utilities company leverages virtual solution to retain top talent.

Solution: Accelerating development with a performance culture
Global oil and gas organization accelerates growth using feedback.

What we're hearing:

“This is an opportune time to train and develop. With our people at home, and business slowing down, it is actually a great time for our people to upskill.”

Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

Our take:

Nobody wants to do stand-alone virtual learning. Your leaders should be practicing decision-making within your business model and how to better lead their remote teams in your culture and given your strategy.

Protect your people and your powerful alignment off-sites

How we can help:

Solution: Accelerating leadership alignment
Financial services firm aligns 40,000 leaders.

Solution: Cascading a leadership framework
Oil services organization cascades leadership vision to 5,000 managers.

Solution: Leader development at scale
Leading technology firm develops 8,000 managers in 24-hours.

What we're hearing:

“Our people need to lead and think differently now. How will I get our leaders aligned and executing fast if we cancel the offsite?”

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Our take:

Until safety is certain, do cancel flights and hotels.  But keep the meetings and run them virtually instead. Consider broadening the virtual participation to thousands. They will hear directly from top leadership and feel involved in the thinking and immediate actions.

Prepare leaders to execute in a downturn

How we can help:

Solution: Strategy alignment in preparation for a downturn
Medical Device Manufacturer equips leaders to thrive in possible recession.

Solution: Accelerating client business results
American Health Care Company develops salespeople and sales managers.

What we're hearing:

Are your leaders ready to lead in a downturn? How is their recession readiness? Will they be ready to adjust when we are coming out of a slowdown?

Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

Our take:

Doubling down on leaders readiness and helping your leaders articulate and own their mindset is at the core of their behaviors and the environment they are creating for their people to do their best work (or not).

Build your leadership culture and mindsets

How we can help:

Solution: Multipliers: elevating the leadership mindset
Niche software provider shifts to become more agile.

Solution: The people side of agile transformation
American Financial Services Corporation becomes more agile and customer-centric.

Solution: Leader as coach
A CPG company improves customer-centricity and decision-making.

What we're seeing:

Leadership culture matters even more today and mindsets are the driving force.

Photo by Nikita Kachanovsky on Unsplash

Our take:

The highest performing people and teams in athletics and the military have a practice-to-performance ratio of 95% practice to 5% performance. Are your leaders practicing?

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