Industry Business Simulations
Provide a holistic perspective of your specific industry
Enable participating employees to experience the competitive dynamics, general trends, business challenges, interdependencies, and profitability drivers that are unique to their industry.
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No industry is the same. Business models, competitive dynamics and strategic challenges vary dramatically from one industry to the next. Sweeping forces in today’s business environment are accelerating the pace of change. To succeed, a deep understanding of industry fundamentals, key challenges and trade-offs, and financial levers are critical for managers and employees. BTS has developed Industry Business Simulations, a series of high-impact, experiential learning programs designed to provide a holistic perspective of a specific industry.
The program at a glance
Industry Business Simulations enable participating employees to experience the competitive dynamics, general trends, business challenges, interdependencies and profitability drivers that are unique to their industry. These one-day sessions leverage high-impact, board- and technology-based business simulations. These can be delivered as live classroom or virtual programs.
Through the program, teams of 4-6 participants manage a simulated company and practice real-world decision making in a risk-free environment. Participants receive feedback and analysis of the outcomes of their decisions and strategies. Know-how sessions reinforce critical capabilities and provide new tools and frameworks to optimize performance. In the end, participants develop action plans to apply back on the job and drive results.
Key issues covered in the simulations
During the high-impact experience, participants assume the role of the senior leadership at a simulated company and are challenged to collaborate in teams, confront industry-specific challenges, and navigate the following real-world issues:
- Strategic investments
- Resource allocation
- Go-to-market value proposition
- Capacity and supply chain trade-offs
- Short- versus long-term decisions
- Fork-in-the-road choices
- Unexpected real world events
Through building critical industry understanding, participants are able to identify key profitability drivers and industry dynamics, how day-to-day operations connect to overall company goals, and how their individual role contributes to the company’s success.
Industry Business Simulations is from BTS.
Practice Area: Helping Businesses Flourish

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