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Advantage Performance Group • We help organizations develop great people.

Influence Inside™

Improve your influence capability

Being successful in today's organizations requires that you have the ability to sell your ideas and influence others without relying on positional authority. The Influence Inside program will assist you in getting better at this.

 Download/view more about Influence Inside™

Influence Inside ™, from Ocean Beach Consulting, is a highly interactive, discovery-based learning program designed to help participants develop the ability to sell their ideas and influence others without relying on positional authority.

Leadership is influence

The Influence Inside ecosystem consists of several components to help participants get better at communicating their ideas in a way that leads others to support them. It offers a set of resources and experiences to help them improve their influence capability.

After Influence Inside, participants have the skills to:

  • Influence business decision makers to move in recommended direction
  • Lead employees through change and uncertainty
  • Convince others to buy into their ideas
  • Improve their cross-functional partnerships

Influence Inside components include a full or half-day workshop, an on-demand course, virtual workshops, a meeting-in-a-box, a multi-rater assessment, and a followup workshop.

Free resources and thought leadership
Take a free mini learning journey on influence or access two learning modules courtesy of our thought leader partner Kelly Dozois, owner of Ocean Beach Consulting and a designer of world-class training solutions in leadership development and communication skills.

Be a force for change

You can sit back and wait for others to create change, or you can be a positive force for change by influencing others... What will you choose? Join our Influence Inside™ mini learning journey and get expert guidance to help bring your ideas to life!

Embrace your inner lion tamer

Learn how to become a better influencer by taking a cue from the lion tamer, who is able to control a powerful lion using only a chair.

To find out more on how to strengthen your influence skills, follow along on these two learning modules:

  • Myths of Influence - A look at the common misperceptions regarding influence and how to counteract them.
  • 12 Angry Men - A case study in influence.

The lessons are from Kelly Dozois of Ocean Beach Consulting, an Advantage thought leader partner and creator of Influence Inside™, a highly interactive, discovery-based learning program designed to help participants develop the ability to sell their ideas and influence others without relying on positional authority.

Gender bias: Data shows it’s still alive and well [infographic]

By The Advantage Team | February 19, 2020

With better influence skills, we can begin to break through the effects of gender bias. View the data and register for our webinar March 13!

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Breaking Thru Bias: Influencing within the Realities of Gender Bias

By The Advantage Team | February 14, 2020

Access a replay of our webinar inspired by International Women’s Day to become a better influencer and help break through patterns of gender bias.

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Are you an effective influencer? Ask yourself these 5 questions.

By Kelly Dozois | June 28, 2018

Start by turning the mirror on yourself and looking at what you can do differently to adapt and influence those around you more successfully. 

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Ocean Beach Consulting

Influence Inside™ is from Ocean Beach Consulting.

Practice Area: Helping Leaders Lead


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