Leadership teams: Go faster now, stay faster forever
Iterate® will change your organization in ways other firms including the Big Four can’t conceive of, at speeds they’d call impossible.
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In top organizations, management culture is a competitive advantage, not a set of handcuffs. High performing companies succeed because of their management, not in spite of it. Nobody wastes time glorifying the past, and one function never tries to hit its goals at another’s expense. Teams at all levels look at what’s true now and what’s coming next – then they make and implement decisions that improve the future. They’re fast, coordinated, cross-functional, and flexible, and they’re run by leaders and managers who are informed, accountable and engaged. They win because they Iterate®.
To Iterate® is to take the next most intelligent step from here, learn from it, and repeat. If you run a management team, that’s exactly what you need them to do: constantly learn, constantly adjust, and never stop moving your organization toward its goals, a step at a time.
When they fail to do this, you get silos, infighting, and waste. When they succeed, you get a team that’s fast, flexible and focused - one that responds quickly to issues, shifts resources intelligently as things change, and keeps an eye on priorities and results.
Iterative Management® - The Five Key Practices
High performing, highly flexible management teams differ from each other in many ways, but they do have something in common: The Five Key Practices of Iterative Management®. Learning these practices and applying them within your own management team is the best way to increase performance, reduce stress, and position your whole organization for success in an ever-changing future.
Train your team
In this one-day, highly interactive session based on Ed Muzio’s groundbreaking bestseller of the same name, you’ll practice the processes and behaviors that convert silos, territorialism, and conflict into useful dialogues that create greater output. In the process, you’ll learn the Five Key Practices that enable the highest-performing management teams to Iterate® – that is, to work with each other, with other managers, and with individual contributors so that your whole organization is always taking the best next step toward the results you’ve defined.
Contact your Advantage partner to explore bringing Interate to your organization!
Iterate is from Ed Muzio.
Practice Area: Helping Leaders Lead

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