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Advantage Performance Group • We help organizations develop great people.

Power of Leadership

How to use power effectively to resolve conflict, manage change, and become a better communicator.

It's easy to tell a group that a leader should do this or do that. What's hard is leading under the types of pressure every leader faces.

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The Power of Leadership is a business simulation that helps participants understand the challenges they face when they are given power to accomplish a task. Even though power is a taboo topic for many people, it is what sets the leader apart from others in the organization.

Studies show that effective leaders understand and have a need to have power. More important, they know how to use it to accomplish their goals. But using power effectively is not an easy task. There are many challenges that, if not met, will create disastrous results for individuals and the organization.

This simulation teaches leaders how to:

  • Use power to resolve conflicts.
  • Communicate effectively.
  • Solve problems, and manage positive change in the corporate culture.

It helps participants understand why the decisions, behavior, and attitudes of leaders are often misperceived by their followers. It also helps those who are power averse understand what they must do to improve their effectiveness and those who are power prone understand what discipline they must employ to use their power effectively.

The Power of Leadership is ideal for:

  • New managers and supervisors.
  • Technical people who have been promoted into leadership positions without managerial training.
  • Managers who have lost their motivation to be effective leaders.
  • Any person who needs to know how to resolve conflicts, develop higher order thinking skills, develop one’s personal leadership style, and understand which behavior and attitudes toward power make him or her effective.
  • Participants who are power averse and need to understand what behavior changes are necessary to use power effectively.
  • Participants who need to understand that leadership requires much more than just being nice to people or working hard to achieve personal goals.
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Simulation Training Systems

Power of Leadership is from Simulation Training Systems.

Practice Area: Helping Leaders Lead


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