Priority One
Helping sales managers make the best and most profitable use of their time.
As a sales manager, you have a long list of responsibilities and countless demands on your time. But of everything you have to do, what activity should rise to the top as the single most important investment of your time?
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What is the best investment of my time?
Priority One, an immersive training experience for sales managers from BTS, uncovers the answer to this question. It's coaching — specifically, coaching to deal profitability and funnel reliability.
During Priority One, participants work together to lead a struggling sales team over three simulated business quarters, with the goal of hitting their annual sales target of $160M. In each round, participants will be challenged by a variety of events that will force them to make tough decisions and weigh the tradeoffs of different options.
Importantly, participants will need to consider not just the short-term “fix” to a given situation, but must also evaluate the long-term implications of their decisions and determine how to best develop their team for future success.
Learning Objectives
In order for sales reps to succeed in the ever-changing marketplace, sales managers need to be able to do ONE thing very well: coach to deal profitability and funnel reliability. In Priority One, sales managers will:
- Understand the characteristics of GREAT salesperson behaviors and how to coach to these behaviors
- Identify each sales person’s development opportunities and create a regular coaching pattern for addressing development
- Understand the link between the business impact of pipeline management and coaching for development
- Improve forecast accuracy by leveraging pipeline data and process to effectively coach salespeople to move key opportunities through their sales pipeline.
- Improve deal profitability by better understand how selling value can differentiate your offering in the marketplace
- Learn how to allocate time, tasks, budget, and resources for optimum efficiency and maximum profitability
For all sales managers and sales leaders both experienced and new, responsible for driving deal profitability and forecast reliability.
Related white paper
The One Priority that Should Be at the Top of Every Sales Manager’s List, a white paper on sales leadership. Get it now:
Priority One is from BTS.
Practice Area: Helping Sellers Sell

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