Sales Accelerator
Align your sales efforts to your customers’ needs
Sales Accelerator is the first core selling skills program that reflects the realities of selling in today’s business-to-business environment. Customers today want salespeople who deeply understand their businesses and they want their purchases to impact their desired business results as rapidly as possible.
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Based on several years of research with customers and sales forces around the globe, the two-day Sales Accelerator program focuses on four areas:
- aligning your sales efforts with the customer’s buying cycle,
- improving your customer understanding,
- applying the best practices that world-class salespeople use to accelerate the sales process, and
- asking high-impact sales questions that connect product and service needs to the customer’s desired business results.
Additional practice is provided in evaluating opening a sales call, asking follow-up questions, handling objections, gaining commitment, and building a call plan for an account.
The program also includes the completion of a personal development plan using what they learned along with the web-based tools they have unlimited access to.
Sales Accelerator helps salespeople:
- Learn the market trends and business challenges that shape customer decision making.
- Understand the customer’s buying cycle and align it with their own sales cycle.
- Create an effective pre-call plan.
- Apply best practices that are most critical to advancement in their accounts at each stage of the buying cycle.
- Learn the sales practices that will help them achieve success.
- Construct and ask compelling questions that identify the customer’s desired business results and the actions they are taking.
- Learn how to “peel the onion” to dig deeper into customer interests and needs.
- Address concerns and objections by exploring customer interests and driving toward completing the sale.
- Prepare a call plan for an account.
Sales Accelerator is from BTS.
Practice Area: Helping Sellers Sell

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