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Advantage Performance Group • We help organizations develop great people.

Sales Blueprint

The next generation in account strategy development

An innovative experiential learning program that helps sales professionals, their team members, and their managers create powerful, analytical, and action-packed plans to manage major accounts

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 Sales Blueprint is an innovative experiential learning program that helps sales professionals, their team members, and their managers create powerful, analytical, and action-packed plans to manage major accounts. Incorporating many of the principles of the other sales mastery programs, Sales Blueprint creates awareness of, and skill in applying, the best strategic practices sales professionals can leverage to ensure their account plans produce winning results.

Sales professionals learn to use a fast, effective approach to developing and executing account strategy. The approach helps them understand and align with their customers’ highest goals, take a standard approach to creating and communicating strategy, and execute their strategy even when challenged. Managers are prepared before the workshop to coach during the training. They are also prepared to help their teams implement the process and principles back in the field after the workshop through strategic coaching and regular account reviews.

Sales Blueprint helps salespeople:

  • Access and use a robust system of sales strategy tools to better understand and analyze major accounts.
  • Apply an efficient sales process to develop an effective account strategy.
  • Determine areas of knowledge needed to create a customer-focused strategy.
  • Invest time and energy to maximum effectiveness in an account.
  • Align with what the customer values.
  • Identify a broader set of individuals in the customer organization with whom relationships must be built.
  • Determine buying centers and opportunities each offers.
  • Create an overall account objective
  • Develop an action plan aligned with the account objective.
  • Apply best practices to execute the action plan.
  • Recognize obstacles to fulfilling the plan and ways to overcome or avoid them


Sales Blueprint is from BTS.

Practice Area: Helping Sellers Sell


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