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Advantage Performance Group • We help organizations develop great people.

Stop living on autopilot with Antonio Neves

As we grow, as we develop, as we experience success... pay close attention to who is around you and what is happening.

In the Hot Seat: Antonio Neves on how to take more ownership of your career, overcome what holds you back, and move forward with intention.

Andy’s guest is Antonio Neves, who is the author of four books, including Stop Living on Autopilot: Take Responsibility for Your Life and Rediscover a Bolder, Happier You. He is also the host of The Best Thing podcast where he talks with leaders about the best thing to happen to them that would never appear on a résumé.

Antonio and Andy were introduced to each other recently and have already hosted Clubhouse rooms together. In this interview, they discuss how you can take more ownership of your career, stop living on autopilot, and overcome the things that hold you back. They also stress the importance of surrounding yourself with the right people, setting the right goals, and making the right moves in your career.
Antonio Neves
Antonio Neves

Listen to the podcast here:

Andy Storch
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