Developing leader bench strength at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
How to avert a leadership gap and justify the effort with business metrics.
Vice President and Chief Learning Officer Larry Mohl at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta put it simply, “The organization was going to have a tremendous leadership gap.”
Mohl’s solution was straightforward: instead of struggling to hire talent, Children’s should grow its own. His vision was a Center for Leadership that would address leadership learning, succession planning, and talent management. Leaders would be grown from the bottom up and share a common language, methods, and tools for success. Learning would be provided for leaders at every organizational level.
But how would Mohl get funding? Children’s was highly committed to developing its people, but resources in this nonprofit organization were scarce and carefully managed. The board would approve funding only if metrics showed how the leader training was supporting critical organizational goals. In short, Mohl needed proof of business impact.
The center’s first year of leadership development brought results even broader than expected.
“This was a real celebration for everyone involved. We saw a significant impact on leaders from a personal perspective, on the system as a whole, on the financials, and on operating as an even stronger leader in the national pediatric community.”
– Carol Bunn, Partner
Advantage Performance Group
Practice Area: Helping Leaders Lead
Tagged with: children's healthcare of atlanta • featured • leadership learning • succession planning

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