Is your subconscious derailing your decision-making and your culture?
Leaders who drive effective decision-making in their organizations create a culture of engagement and action. Conversely, those who fail to do so foster a culture of frustration and inertia.
Fortunately, making high-quality decisions that drive great cultures is a skill that can be mastered, especially if you understand how your subconscious is involved.
Boost your Decision Mojo™ by testing a decision you need to make for common traps with some interactive, neuroscience-based strategies from our thought leader partner Brent Snow and the team at 10,000 Feet.
Diagnose a decision now!
Learn how to spot and avoid subconscious decision-making traps.
Creating and sustaining a great culture in your organization hinges on being able to consistently and efficiently make high-quality decisions, but how do you know if you're making the best decisions possible?
Do you sometimes second-guess yourself or wonder if you're making the right decision?
Your brain's limbic system –the superpower subconscious parts of your brain responsible for the experience and expression of emotion– routinely records, adjusts, automates and influences the many decisions you make every day.
While the limbic system helps you process information and make decisions at an astounding pace, its speed and efficiency can also derail important decisions.
This video will help you better understand the tremendous power of the limbic system, including how its filtering features helped world chess champion Garry Kasparov defeat the IBM supercomputer known as Deep Blue in 1996.
Is the subconscious activity of your limbic system clouding your decision-making?
Take our Decision Diagnostic to see if you're at risk of falling into one of 6 common decision-making traps, then get tips on how to overcome them.
Knowing how to make great decisions is one the jewels of great cultures. Join our Culture Quest to discover more!