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Advantage Performance Group • We help organizations develop great people.
Talent Development Tuesday - Building success in talent development one thought at a time. (Photo of "Imagine" tiles by Michael Aleo on Unsplash)

Talent Development Tuesday
Building success in talent development – one thought at a time.


A simple question

“If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.”
– Zig Ziglar

What happens if your people never use anything from their training or learning opportunities in their day-to-day jobs? What we heard: Most often, nothing.

And yet that’s the result for a vast majority of training initiatives out in the world of work. Research shows that fewer than 20 percent of people who attend training will ever apply it to their job in a way that aligns with the business strategy and produces worthwhile results.

Training is too often a one-and-done event that is quickly forgotten back on the job. Industry research reveals a fairly consistent distribution regarding what learners do with their training opportunities. Typically:

  • About 15 percent never try what they learn at all.
  • About 65 percent try it to some extent but give up.
  • Fewer than 20 percent try it and get positive results.

We’re out to change those odds and turn learning into an investment that pays you back.

With High Impact Learning:certification, you’ll know how to design the business results your organization needs directly into your training initiatives in part by paying greater attention to what takes place before and after, where fully 80 percent of impact failure occurs.

By creating a line of sight between new skills and behaviors and how they will be used on the job, you can ignite learning with expectations, alignment, and focus for the entire organization. By following up with ongoing with manager and peer-to-peer support, you’ll strengthen the learning with measurable improvements in performance.

It’s not rocket science; it’s an operating system for learning with tools, impact maps, guidebooks, and an award-winning online platform developed for us by the esteemed master of learning impact Robert O. Brinkerhoff. And it works for any training initiative.

Talk to your Advantage partner or contact us to learn more about about High Impact Learning. Better yet, enroll today, get certified, and turn your organization’s next training initiative into an investment that delivers results.

Don’t settle for nothing.

One great thing for 09.12.23 – Watch the replay from our flyover of High Impact Learning, a proven methodology for driving business results from training.


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Talent Development Tuesday is a weekly publication from Advantage Performance Group.
Julie Wolpers, Writer/Editor

We help organizations develop great people.

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