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Advantage Performance Group • We help organizations develop great people.
Talent Development Tuesday - Building success in talent development one thought at a time. (Photo of "Imagine" tiles by Michael Aleo on Unsplash)

Talent Development Tuesday
Building success in talent development – one thought at a time.

Talent Development Tuesday - Stars (and stripes) in our eyes (sunglasses with Stars and Stripes)

Stars (and stripes) in our eyes

“Freedom is the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit and human dignity.”
– Herbert Hoover

Today in the USA we celebrate our Declaration of Independence, debated July 1,1776, drafted July 2, approved after 86 revisions on July 4 by 12 colonies (New York would follow July 9), and formally signed on August 2. The first organized Independence Day celebration would follow a year later, on July 4, 1777, in Philadelphia.

The tradition continues, as Thomas Jefferson predicted it would, as 2023 marks 247th anniversary of our country’s founding. For many the celebrations started early, typically with barbecue, hot dogs, picnics, water sports, 5k runs, community fireworks, and more taking place over the preceding long weekend. Tonight there will be even more fireworks.

“I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival,” Jefferson wrote to his wife, Abigail. “It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.”

Fourth of July celebrations are as American as apple pie, and a sure sign that summer is in its full glory.

At Advantage, we slow down a little in the summer. That’s because we know that summer is when our colleagues and friends typically take some important time off or enjoy a full-fledged vacation.

Here’s why it’s so important (Harvard Business Review) to take a vacation away from work, and can you guess the Top 21 summer vacation spots for 2023, according to U.S. News & World Report?

According to Boston College‘s Center for Work & Family, vacations increase physical and mental well-being, productivity, and focus. Not responding to emails and voicemails increases the benefits of taking time off.

Top summer vacation spots for 2023 are:

  1. Paris
  2. London
  3. The Azores

 See all 21 here.

We hope you have a wonderful Fourth and a great holiday this summer!

One great thing for 07.04.23 – Tipsheet: The Importance of Taking a Work-Free Vacation – Boston College


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Talent Development Tuesday is a weekly publication from Advantage Performance Group.
Julie Wolpers, Writer/Editor

We help organizations develop great people.

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