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Advantage Performance Group • We help organizations develop great people.
Talent Development Tuesday - Building success in talent development one thought at a time. (Photo of "Imagine" tiles by Michael Aleo on Unsplash)

Talent Development Tuesday
Building success in talent development – one thought at a time.

Talent Development Tuesday: You be you (fingerprint icon)

You be you

“In the same way that I tend to make up my mind about people within 30 seconds of meeting them, I also make up my mind about whether a business proposal excites me within about 30 seconds of looking at it.”
Richard Branson

Just like Dorothy discovered at the end of her journey through Oz, something we think we’ve always wanted often comes down to something we’ve already known or had all along.

One of the most transformational leadership skills improving by 50-80% the likelihood that you will be able to close the sale, get the job, make the case, or win the promotion, turns out to be something you’ve had the ability to do along: Be yourself.

Dr. Sharon Lamm-Hartman has spent decades coaching thousands of professionals and executives, and she believes success comes from the inside-out, from discovering your authentic self and making sure that comes through in every presentation.

The founder and CEO of Inside-Out Learning, she’s also the author of an award-winning book, The Authenticity Code: The Art and Science of Success and Why You Can’t Fake It to Make It. She’ll share insights from her book at a special event we’re hosting on September 29.

The book is now also the foundation for a virtual learning experience and mobile app newly available for organizations from Advantage Performance Group that focuses on helping the people in your organization connect to their authentic selves and present and lead from that place.

The Authenticity Code has produced some remarkable results in terms of helping people close more sales, earn more promotions, and develop the most important skills they need to lead into the future.

In getting to know Dr. Sharon and her team during a recent internal Advantage Zoom call, she shared the story of Dr. Markeeva Morgan, director of special projects at The Boeing Company. In an audio testimonial, he calls The Authenticity Code‘s formula for presentation success his secret weapon to defending his dissertation and, she said, he has earned 2 promotions since going through the program: “I kept many of the unique parts of me away from the office. The Authenticity Code … provided me with the intellectual structure to release more into my career the unique me that I knew and know,” Dr. Morgan says.

We hope you can join us on Thursday, September 29, from 12-1pm Eastern for our interactive book club discussion with Dr. Sharon. If you’d like to attend or find out more about The Authenticity Code, please contact us or talk to your Advantage partner.

One great thing for 08.30.22 – The 3 Magic Ingredients to Amazing Presentations
Phil Waknell | TEDxSaclay

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Talent Development Tuesday is a weekly publication from Advantage Performance Group.
Julie Wolpers, Writer/Editor

We help organizations develop great people.

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