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Advantage Performance Group • We help organizations develop great people.
TDHS 177 | Upskilling at scale

The future of work: Upskilling the global workforce for the modern workplace

There is a lot of focus that we put on building adjacent skills in people so that people are not one-dimensional.

Upskilling at scale: Vivek Ravi on how TCS helped 450K employees gain 2.8 million new skills

With social distancing becoming the new normal, the COVID-19 pandemic has pushed many of us to work remotely. For some, migrating to virtual workplaces is an entirely new mountain to climb. However, seeing where businesses are heading now, upskilling for the future means moving towards the digital experience. Hence, it has become critical, now more than ever, to harness our skills for the virtual world.

Andi Storch brings over someone who is an expert in these areas, Vivek Ravi. Vivek is the head of Talent Development, North America for Technology, Collaboration & Strategic Initiatives at Tata Consultancy Services (TCS). He is also an HR consultant, design thinker, digital humanist, and public speaker passionate about topics such as the future of work and the modern workplace.

As the world rapidly changes, with the workplace turning to virtual and the workforce becoming global, it has become necessary to embrace this digital transformation. One way to start is by investing in your existing talent, upskilling them by providing opportunities for learning. That way, you will have the people you need to take on the ever-changing work environment.

TDHS 177 | Future Of Work
Vivek Ravi

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Andy Storch
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