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Advantage Performance Group • We help organizations develop great people.

The past and your future

This is a great time of the year!

The heat of summer has begun to dissipate, crispness is in the air and Halloween is a few weeks away followed by Thanksgiving and then another Christmas holiday with family and friends.

It’s monumental from another perspective as well…

The third quarter has just ended and results are being calculated to see just where you stand for the year and what the 4th quarter push will look like for a strong finish.

As an executive leader you are no doubt focused with one eye on 2015 but the other is looking towards 2016 and what the future holds.

AAEAAQAAAAAAAAQxAAAAJGE3ZjQ4NTY3LWEwYTQtNGQyNi1hNzY0LTI1MzRiZDAxMzQ1OAWe get reflective if even for a short time on what was accomplished in 2015.

Did I meet the objectives I set for the organization?

What do I consider the “wins” for this year and what “opportunities” presented themselves that carry over into 2016?

As you look across your organization you begin to reflect on goals for 2016, the resources/assets needed to achieve them, what change has occurred or will occur that will determine how you operate in the new year, etc.

But then you’ve done this before, correct?

Those assets also include people!

Do I have the right people in the right spots?

Does your management team have the skills necessary to lead in 2016?

Do we operate with processes that we can attach to results?

Now what about the individual contributors…

Do you have people that didn’t get on board and contribute to the success of the organization this year? Are you going to stick with them for another year and hope they change or do you manage change by either giving them better tools, different processes or find people better suited for the role?

You can’t get to where you want to go, without the right people!

Fundamentally leadership responsibilities can be described quite simply as:

  • Grow your business
  • Grow your people
  • Grow yourself 

It’s the execution that often times gets a bit more complex. But at least these questions are worthy of your attention.

Originally published on LinkedIn: The Past and Your Future | Russell Paterra | LinkedIn

Russell Paterra
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