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Advantage Performance Group • We help organizations develop great people.

Unlock Potential: A Learning JourneyEnrollStep 1: Assess Your OrganizationStep 2: Learn Mindsets •  Step 3: Explore SolutionsWrap it up!

Wrap it up & bring it home!

As a final step in your learning journey, use your thoughts from the previous steps (or start fresh!) to create an Action Plan that will help you move forward. To get more ideas, access these resources courtesy of our thought leader partner Christine DiDonato at Career Revolution.

Review these tools & resources

5 Keys to Unlocking the Potential of Your Emerging Workforce
Engage and retain your organization's young professionals and build your leadership bench strength by addressing their career development expectations in these 5 critical ways.

15-Minute Career Conversation Guide
Most managers haven’t been trained to provide the type of career development guidance young professionals crave. Here’s how to have powerful 15-minute conversations that can save you $15,000 or more.

Bring Out the Best in Every Employee
A plain-speaking guide to understanding your employees, this is a manual on navigating team dynamics. It has tactical tips to help you identify common employee types and manage them effectively to get the results you need.

Build Your Business Case
Customize this PowerPoint presentation to build a business case for talent development focused on your emerging professionals. Use it to influence your manager, other teams, or key leaders. It works great in one-on-one meetings, with small teams, or even in executive meetings.

The Career Revolution Learning Journey badge

Claim your badge at, optionally add it to your LinkedIn profile, and share this journey with others on your team!

Thanks for joining us on the journey!

We wish you the best in your efforts to bridge your talent development gaps with strategies that can also help you build your bench strength, increase retention, and make everyone happier on the job.

Want to explore some ways to make it easier?

At Advantage Performance Group, we help organizations develop great people. As part of that mission, we're helping organizations integrate these solutions from Career Revolution:

  • For Emerging Professionals
    The AccelerateME program, including 360-degree feedback and mentoring, provides the career development today’s emerging professionals crave on the topics that matter most to your organization.
  • For Managers
    The Awesome Boss Series provides managers the why and how of managing a new generation in the workforce. Delivered in 90-minute learning sprints, managers practice skills such as delivering performance feedback, giving recognition, and setting goals.
  • For the Organization
    The New Workforce IQ workshop shows your HR Practitioners and organizational leaders what it looks like to successfully inspire, engage and retain a new generation of talent.

We'd love to provide you with more information or discuss how we can help bring one or more of these best-in-class talent development solutions to your organization.

Create your action plan

Generate your action plan now to complete your journey, and we'll send you a code you can redeem for a free 1-year premium subscription to, compliments of our thought leader partner Christine DiDonato of Career Revolution.

Use the form below to put what you've learned to work in your environment. Submitting the form will generate a personalized PDF report you can download, print out or share with your team.

Knowing how to unlock the potential of your emerging workforce is one the jewels of great cultures. Join our Culture Quest to discover more!

Christine DiDonato
Christine DiDonato

A recognized leader in career development

This learning journey is brought to you by Advantage Performance Group and our thought leader partner Christine DiDonato, an innovator in emerging leader development and founder of Career Revolution Inc. and As a leading advocate for millennial career development, Christine created AccelerateME, a unique tool specifically designed for today’s young professionals to get the feedback they crave and take greater ownership of their career path.

Contact Advantage to discover how we can bring AccelerateME or other great learning experiences to your organization!

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