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Advantage Performance Group • We help organizations develop great people.
Imagine - Talent Development Tuesday - Photo by Michael Aleo on Unsplash

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Talent Development Tuesday

Building success in talent development – one thought at a time

Talent Development Tuesday - Stacking up habits (stack of cubes)

Stacking up habits

The power of thinking small and linking a new activity to a habit you already enjoy

Talent Development Tuesday - Lighting up-p innovation (Pixar lamp icon)

Lighting up innovation

How Pixar helped Disney Animation get its groove back and what that has to do with YOU

Talent Development Tuesday - The Inclusion Illusion (handicap accessible icon)

The inclusion illusion

How much do we really understand about the barriers people face?

Talent Development Tuesday - When good bosses go bad (unamused emoji)

When good bosses go bad

Match your good intentions with action to inspire, draw out talent and hold on to your people.

Talent Development Tuesday - #ExperienceAdvantage calendar of events (calendar icon)


Visit our new calendar of events page today to RSVP, get us on your calendar, and #ExperienceAdvantage!

Talent Development Tuesday - The power of 3 (volleyball icon)

The power of 3

A powerful lesson on leadership and team-building from the bumpy road to Olympic glory

Talent Development Tuesday - Going off-grid (map marker with a slash)

Going off-grid

Disconnect, enjoy nature, and breathe in the beauty of a day, an hour, or even a moment, undisturbed.

Talent Development Tuesday - Collective Genius (icon of brain circuitry)

Collective Genius

We have had some spots open up for a special event coming soon 

Talent Development Tuesday - Great people (icon of an award medal)

Great people

Our ‘why’ in just 6 words and the context behind them

Talent Development Tuesday - 86,400 seconds (hourglass icon)

86,400 seconds

Time, life/work priorities, and living our core values

Talent Development Tuesday - What's trending in 2022? (artwork of chart trending upward)

What’s trending in 2022?

How do these trends stack up at your organization? We’d love to know what you’re experiencing right now.

Talent Development Tuesday - Performance punishment (artwork of three matches, one burning)

Performance punishment

How well-intentioned leaders may be hurting their best people

Talent Development Tuesday has been published weekly by Advantage Performance Group since October of 2019.
Julie Wolpers, Writer/Editor

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We help organizations develop great people.

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