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Advantage Performance Group • We help organizations develop great people.
Imagine - Talent Development Tuesday - Photo by Michael Aleo on Unsplash

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Talent Development Tuesday

Building success in talent development – one thought at a time

Talent Development Tuesday - diversity and sales (sales chart icon)

Diversity and sales

We’re thrilled to see the numbers prove that without a doubt, DEI matters more than ever in today’s world.

Talent Development Tuesday: A dire warning (triangle icon with exclamation point)

A dire warning

Why we’re heading toward a talent apocalypse in 2022

Talent Development Tuesday: A grateful heart (heart icon in the center of a network)

A grateful heart

May you celebrate the abundance in your life this week, and know that we count you among our blessings.

Talent Development Tuesday: Transforming career development (icons of a ladder in a cloud with lightning and sun)

Transforming career development

Why career development belongs at the heart of every organization’s culture

Talent Development Tuesday - Being agile, not fragile (icon of a breakdancer)

Being agile, not fragile

Organizations are having to adapt to change like never before. For many, it’s adapt or die.

Talent Development Tuesday: How L&D can help first level leaders

How L&D can help first level leaders

Get some fresh ideas and a new plan at a webinar preview of Being a Leader from our sister company BTS.

Talent Development Tuesday - Make a splash in your career (water droplets)

Make a splash in your career

Become a certified High Impact Learning practitioner and build credibility for L&D while you drive the business impact stakeholders love.

Talent Development Tuesday - Threat or opportunity? (goggles artwork)

Threat or opportunity?

Liz Wiseman explores the source of professional brilliance and discovers ‘opportunity goggles’

Talent Development Tuesday - Tell your story (typewriter icon)

Tell your story

As Joseph Campbell said, we are the heroes of our own stories. It’s time to adjust those capes and stick the landing.

Talent Development Tuesday - Decisions, decisions (icon of a signpost pointing one way and the other)

Decisions, decisions

Strategies for making the best choices for your organization

Talent Development Tuesday: Psychological safety in a hybrid world (icon of a heart-shaped lock)

Psychological safety in a hybrid world

A checklist for creating an environment of inclusion, collaboration, high candor, and engagement

Talent Development Tuesday: An inclusion infusion (icon of a person's mind being opened with a key)

An inclusion infusion

We’re celebrating an award-winning game that’s helping leaders at Synopsys be more inclusive.

Talent Development Tuesday has been published weekly by Advantage Performance Group since October of 2019.
Julie Wolpers, Writer/Editor

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We help organizations develop great people.

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