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Advantage Performance Group • We help organizations develop great people.
Imagine - Talent Development Tuesday - Photo by Michael Aleo on Unsplash

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Talent Development Tuesday

Building success in talent development – one thought at a time

Talent Development Tuesday - Burnout syndrome

Burnout syndrome

We hope you are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Talent Development Tuesday - Roller coaster blues (roller coaster artwork)

Roller coaster blues

Just when we thought it was slowing down, it’s picking up speed to send us around again.

Talent Development Tuesday - What you're saying (double quote icon)

What you’re saying

Highlights from what we’re hearing about your biggest challenges at work right now

Talent Development Tuesday - Back to school (school bus icon)

Back to school

Making the world a better place, one pop quiz at a time

Talent Development Tuesday - The future of work? (artwork of a girl working from home with a cat)

The future of work?

Is your organization embracing a hybrid work future? Do you have new policies in place? What are your greatest challenges?

Talent Development Tuesday: Family matters (icon of a heart in a square)

Family matters

Today we’ve got two of our own on our mind as their family members shine on the world stage.

Talent Development Tuesday - What we're listening to (headphones icon)

What we’re listening to

Today, we celebrate the podcast with a few of our favorite audio adventures

Talent Development Tuesday - What we're reading (reader icon)

What we’re reading

Highlights from our summer reading list from your friendly marketing team at Advantage

Talent Development Tuesday - Team Terry! Team Joe! (icon of Olympic rings)

Team Terry, Team Joe!

As the Olympics get under way, we’re celebrating one of our own and her son.

Talent Development Tuesday - The Real ROI of People Development (money bag icon)

The real ROI of people development

We in the Talent/HR space have the unique opportunity and privilege to make our companies more successful.

Talent Development Tuesday - You say goodbye and I say hello (waving hand icon)

You say goodbye and I say hello

While many people out there are planning to say goodbye, we think this is a great time for hello.

Talent Development Tuesday - Our time is NOW (alarm clock icon)

Our time is NOW

Job market and population trends are giving rise to a huge moment for talent development that has been decades in the making.

Talent Development Tuesday has been published weekly by Advantage Performance Group since October of 2019.
Julie Wolpers, Writer/Editor

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We help organizations develop great people.

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