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Advantage Performance Group • We help organizations develop great people.
Imagine - Talent Development Tuesday - Photo by Michael Aleo on Unsplash

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Talent Development Tuesday

Building success in talent development – one thought at a time

Talent Development Tuesday - Follow the data (analytics icon)

Follow the data

What some numbers from the pandemic reveal about ourselves

Talent Development Tuesday: March Madness, Part 2 - Turning rookies into valuable team players (fontaswesome icon of a basketball)

March Madness, Part 2

Your recruit is now a rookie. What should you do next?

Talent Development Tuesday: March Madness, Part 1 (icon of a basketball hoop)

March Madness

In basketball, as in business, recruiting can make or break your team.

Talent Development Tuesday: Together, we create! (icon of an art canvas)

Together, we create!

A new webinar series to provide you with an extra boost of fuel for the journey ahead

Talent Development Tuesday - Hearing what isn't said (icon of talk bubbles)

Hearing what isn’t said

Have you ever wished you had responded differently to someone?

Talent Development Tuesday - Fresh perspectives (icon of comment bubbles)

Fresh perspectives

To commemorate Black History Month, Harvard Business School Professor Dr. Linda Hill shares her thoughts on some of today’s toughest issues.

Talent Development Tuesday - Capture their heart (employee ID tag)

Capture their heart

Bringing new hires up to speed and helping them feel welcome are critical for organizational success, but few programs get it right.

Talent Development Tuesday - Leading with emotion (drama masks icon)

Leading with emotion

Leadership roundtable discussion makes clear the importance of emotional connections right now

Talent Development Tuesday - A story of friendship (high five icon)

A story of friendship

As Andy Storch fights cancer, Bennett Phillips steps up to fill in.

Talent Development Tuesday - The need for speed (tachometer icon)

The need for speed

Tips for keeping up in a time of Great Acceleration

Talent Development Tuesday - The power of kindness (heart icon)

The power of kindness

After an unimaginable loss, one of our own reflects on ‘the generosity that resides deep within the human spirit.’

Talent Development Tuesday - Building resilience (feather icon)

Building resilience

‘Hope is the thing with feathers… ‘ but resilience, however, takes some work. Here are resources for building resilience in 2021.

Talent Development Tuesday has been published weekly by Advantage Performance Group since October of 2019.
Julie Wolpers, Writer/Editor

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We help organizations develop great people.

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