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Advantage Performance Group • We help organizations develop great people.
Imagine - Talent Development Tuesday - Photo by Michael Aleo on Unsplash

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Talent Development Tuesday

Building success in talent development – one thought at a time

Talent Development Tuesday - Leading Projects with Agility (surfer icon)

Leading Projects with Agility

Because at the end of the day, we’re all project managers.

Talent Development Tuesday - Wellness in the workplace (lotus blossom icon)

Well-being in the workplace

Meeting a demand for employee wellness programs

Talent Development Tuesday - We are honored (Laurel wreath)

We are honored

With recognition our efforts and purpose are validated, and our spirits are boosted!

Talent Development Tuesday - Hello, old friends (heart and hands)

Hello, old friends

Today we celebrate our shared values and work with our thought leader partners at Accordence, experts in negotiation.

Talent Development Tuesday - Reimagining career development (hand in plant icon)

Reimagining career development

How some of our clients are reimagining how they invest in their employees’ career development

Talent Development Tuesday - Our secret family recipe (chef's hat)

Our secret family recipe

We call it High Impact Learning: The Advantage Way

Talent Development Tuesday - Highlights from New Orleans (shrimp icon)

Highlights from New Orleans

Great music, delicious food, beautiful and historic surroundings, and, most especially, the chance to connect and be together

Talent Development Tuesday - The Big Easy (trumpet)

The Big Easy

Greetings from New Orleans, the site of our 2023 National Sales Meeting.

Talent Development Tuesday - People, planet, profit (leaf icon with heart)

People, planet, profit

A cutting-edge new experience on sustainability from our thought leader partners at Celemi 

Talent Development Tuesday - The sound of success (icon of musical notes)

The sound of success

It’s not too late to RSVP and join us this Thursday to interact with a leadership experience unlike any other.

Talent Development Tuesday - Make this podcast a habit (podcast and hand with ribbon on finger)

Make this podcast a habit

Host Mike Heslin of 1st90 asks guests to share actionable wisdom about one habit that has helped them the most in life.

Talent Development Tuesday - No unicorns, but the next best thing (unicorn icon)

No unicorns, but the next best thing

The good news is success can be predicted.

Talent Development Tuesday has been published weekly by Advantage Performance Group since October of 2019.
Julie Wolpers, Writer/Editor

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We help organizations develop great people.

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